
FREE Radon Test Kits!

The Ohio Department of Health provides free test kits to Ohio homeowners with a household income less than $80,500 annually to conduct the testing themselves. To order a free radon test kit and have it mailed to your home, click on the following link:  Free Home Radon Test Kit

Test kits are also available for purchase at your local hardware store.

The radon test kits are easy to use.
1. Place the test kit in the lowest living level of your home. That means a finished basement if your family spends time there or it may mean your first floor if you only use the basement for storage.

  1. Leave the kit in place for three to seven days.
  2. Remove and discard the sponge from the kit. Seal the bag and mail to the testing company.
  3. Your results will be mailed to you in about two weeks. The Ohio Department of Health also receives the results so that radon levels throughout the state can be tracked.

If your home has radon levels over 4 picocuries per liter, mitigation is recommended. Mitigation costs can be several hundred dollars or more, but is important for the health of your family as exposure to Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer. The Ohio Department of Health has a list of all licensed Radon contractors which you can find by following this link.

Information on Radon:

  • Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer
  • Radon is a clear odorless gas that is created by the decay of Uranium
  • Radon enters your home through the ground surrounding your home
  • Radon can be tested – if the level is high, simple measures that can be taken to vent the gas out of your home

More information about protecting yourself and your family from radon can be found at